Friday, April 10, 2009

Take 2

For those of you not in the know, in my spare time I'm busy fighting cancer. The doc said the brain MRI scan looked good. Just some residual surgery stuff was showing up on the scan. The chest scan told another story though. That lung tumor was growing again and would require more chemotherapy. oh wow, fun in the sun as you know it. The doc said I was going for my "2nd Line" treatment and the drug he was using was approved for this. He is using Taxotere, and the generic name for it is Docetaxtel.

I have gone for my second treatment as of yesterday and so-far-so-good. No nausea or vommiting as of yet, so that is a good thing. Maybe if I remember to take my anti-nausea pills on schedule I won't have near the problems.

If you want to learn more about the various types of chemotherapy try this site.