Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Returned from the CTIA Wireless Show

I am back from Las Vegas and as promised I would pen my very first blog. I have returned from the CTIA Wireless 2008 show where we exhibiting for the very first time. For those of you not in the know, CTIA stands for Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association.

At an exhibition of this type you would expect to see the regular players such as Samsung and Motorola but it was more than that. Across the isle from us was this company that sold boxes you attached a digital camera to and it would take pictures of your products. While they had a cool machine, I didn't see how it fit in. Or the folks in the booth next to us. I looked at them for three days and I still don't understand what service they had to offer. They did give away some nice swag though.

Speaking of swag I did walk away with a new Nokia N95 thanks to the the great people I met at the blogger's breakfast sponsored by LiveContacts and findwhere.com. It came with a 30-day trial and there free BuddyFinder software pre-installed. You can download and try it yourself for free at livecontacts.com

Now all I have to do is figure out how to use this Nokia. . .


Suzanne Bowen said...

I need help with my Nokia, too. Good start on your blog, Steve. "More," cries the audience! You've got some unique life experiences and varied interests that people would interesting in learning from.

Shahid Malik said...

Hi Steve... how are you doing man!

I heard you're going to have chemotherapy sometime soon so all the best yaar!

Have a great day friend.

Steve Cayona said...

thank a lot for the cheer. My lung cancer is out of recession and growing again on I started my 2nd line of chemo to try and reduce its size. I have one more treatment session and then some tests so I will keep you posted on ho they go.
